1 abr 2014

Portada Revelada: Scare Row de Julia Hockley [Teaser + Giveaway]

La continuación de Crow's Row es una de las más esperadas, esto lo sé porque aunque no hay leído el libro, no estar al tanto de esto hecho si estás muy metido en las noticias literarias juveniles es casi imposible, casi. Este libro no lo leí porque me leí el spoiler de la vida el cual ahora no recuerdo pero sé que una vez empiece a leer el libro lo recordaré, será siempre mi cruz.

Lo que sí me acuerdo es algunas de las anotaciones que hizo Julia sobre esta edición:

1. No hay necesidad de leer esta nueva edición porque no han surgido grandes cambios en la historia.
2. Pero lo que sí hay en la nueva edición es algo de material extra.

For college student Emily Sheppard, the thought of spending a summer alone in New York is much more preferable than spending it in France with her parents.

Just completing her freshman year at Callister University, Emily faces a quiet summer in the city slums, supporting herself by working at the campus library.
During one of her jogs through the nearby cemetery while visiting her brother Bill’s grave, Emily witnesses a brutal killing—and then she blacks out. When Emily regains consciousness, she realizes she’s been kidnapped by a young crime boss and his gang.

She is hurled into a secret underworld, wondering why she is still alive and for how long.

Held captive in rural Vermont, she tries to make sense of her situation and what it means. While uncovering secrets about her brother and his untimely death, Emily falls in love with her very rich and very dangerous captor, twenty- six-year-old Cameron. She understands it’s a forbidden love and one that won’t allow her to return to her previous life.

But love may not be enough to save Emily when no one even knows she is missing.

(Disculpen que no lo traduzca D:)

La publicación de la reedición es el 11 de abril || Goodreads

Y ahora sí, la portada del segundo libro :3

Nineteen-year-old Emily Sheppard is losing her sanity.

Ever since her mob king boyfriend, Cameron Hillard, abandoned her for her own good, Emmy has been attempting to move on with her charmed college student life as if nothing happened.

Now rejected from the underworld and left grieving over Cameron’s alleged death, Emmy realizes she belongs nowhere.

Worse yet, she is now keeping a dangerous secret.

After just a short time with Emily, Cameron has lost control over his world.

As he miserably attempts to return to what is left of his life and unravel the mess he has made of the underworld, Emily’s hate turns to desperation. She needs to kill the kingpins responsible for Cameron’s death before they come looking for her.

As Cameron secretly observes Emily, he has no idea of the danger he has placed her in—or that it may already be too late for him to save her.

Scare Crow is a tale of revenge, terror, and love as Emmy and Cameron embark on separate journeys to face enemies, correct past mistakes, and... find their way to their destinies.

A former germaphobe and clean-freak turned mother of two, Julie collects enough tears and snot in a month to recreate Slimer Monster from Ghostbusters. Other than playing devoted wife and mama, Julie is the funniest person in the room (according to the 3 year-old and 2 year-old in said room) and can build the most awesome Lego rocket ship you’ve ever set your eyes on (according to her). Oh, and she has a full time career and has also written a bestselling novel. Superhero, or just downright insane?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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