10 sept 2013

Primer Adelanto de Fire & Flood (Victoria Scott) #VAMafia || #Giveaway

Fecha de Publicación: February 2014

A modern day thrill ride, where a teen girl and her animal companion must participate in a breathtaking race to save her brother's life—and her own.

Tella Holloway is losing it. Her brother is sick, and when a dozen doctors can't determine what's wrong, her parents decide to move to Montana for the fresh air. She's lost her friends, her parents are driving her crazy, her brother is dying—and she's helpless to change anything.

Until she receives mysterious instructions on how to become a Contender in the Brimstone Bleed. It's an epic race across jungle, desert, ocean, and mountain that could win her the prize she desperately desires: the Cure for her brother's illness. But all the Contenders are after the Cure for people they love, and there's no guarantee that Tella (or any of them) will survive the race.

The jungle is terrifying, the clock is ticking, and Tella knows she can't trust the allies she makes. And one big question emerges: Why have so many fallen sick in the first place?


I drove across the US of A, left my family without an explanation, and now I’m either too late or there was never anything here to begin with. F my life. Rearing back, I kick the door as hard as I can. Then I wrap both hands around the door handles and release a noise like a wild banshee as I pull back.

The doors swing open.

I’m not sure whether to celebrate or freak out. I decide to do neither and slip inside. As I walk around the inside of the museum, listening to the sound of my footsteps echo off the walls, I imagine I am moments from death. It’s sad, I think, that this is all it takes to break my sanity.

Two curling flights of stairs bow out from the first-floor lobby, and red and white tiles cover the floors. There are gilded picture frames everywhere. So many that I think the placement of the frames — and not their contents — is the real art. Everything, absolutely everything, smells like wax. I mosey up to an abandoned reception desk and leaf through the glossy pamphlets littering the surface. I hold one of the pamphlets up to my nose. Yep, wax.

I glance around, having no idea what to look for. Will there be a sign like at school registration? Students with last names A–K this way?

On my left, I notice a long hallway dotted with doors on either side. Nothing looks particularly unusual. But when I glance to my right, I spot something. There’s a door at the end of the corridor that has a sliver of light glowing beneath it. I’m sure it’s just an administration office, one where someone forgot to flip the switch. But I’ve got nothing better to go on, so I head toward it.

I pause outside the door, wondering if I’m about to get busted for B&E. Then I turn the handle and find myself at the top of another winding staircase.

You’ve got to be kidding me. What is this, Dracula’s bachelor pad?

I’ve watched a lot of scary movies, and I’ve learned nothing good is ever at the bottom of a winding staircase. Pulling in a breath and preparing myself to be eaten alive, I head down. My shoes are loud against the steps. So loud, I imagine they are intentionally trying to get me killed.

When I reach the final few stairs, I ready myself to look around the bend. My heart is racing, and I secretly pray the worst I encounter is an angry janitor with a wax addiction. I turn the bend — and my eyes nearly pop from my skull.
The enormous room is perfectly circular, dotted with candles to light the space. Surrounding the walls are rows and rows of dark, rich mahogany bookshelves. A large round table stands in the center of the red-and-white-tiled floor. The room is spectacular, but what it holds is so jarring, my ears ring.

Across every shelf, every spot on the table, every tile on the floor — are small sculptures of hands. And in a few of those hands — the ones still performing their duty — are eggs. There are only nine eggs left, it seems. For a moment, I imagine how amazing it would have been to see each hand holding an egg, but it’s enough just to see these nine.

The eggs seem to dance in the candle flame, and as I move closer, I realize why. The surfaces of the eggs are almost iridescent, their colors changing depending on how you look at them. They are different sizes, too; some as big as a basketball, others as small as a peach.

I don’t need the device in my pocket to tell me what my gut already knows.

This is the Pandora Selection Process.

Aquí viene el sorteo... aunque solo para Estados Unidos e Inglaterra

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Top Ten Tuesday #20: Qué Amaría ver en la Pantalla

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) Es una sección semanal creada por Julia en su blog The Broke and the Bookish, para los que adoran las listas y todavía más si giran en torno a la literatura. Los temas los propone Julia en su blog y la sección se publica cada martes.

En un mundo paralelo dónde las adaptaciones le hagan justicia a los libros, estos libros me gustaría se hicieran película o serie de TV:

9 sept 2013

A.G. Howard: Splintered #1 - Susurros (#Reseña)

A Alyssa Gardner las flores y los insectos le hablan. Teme que su destino sea acabar en un psiquiátrico, como su madre, pues una vena de locura recorre su familia desde tiempos de su antepasada Alicia, la niña que inspiró el País de las Maravillas de Lewis Carrol

Pero ¿y si los susurros de las flores no son alucinaciones? ¿Y si el País de las Maravillas existe y la está llamando?

Alyssa descenderá por la madriguera del conejo hacia un mundo mágico, pero también despiadado. Durante su increíble aventura, tendrá que decidir en quién confiar: en Jeb, su mejor amigo, por el que siempre se ha sentido atraída, o en el fascinante y seductor Morfeo, su guía en el País de las Maravillas y con el que lleva soñando desde que era niña.

6 sept 2013

Reseña: Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake 03) - Kerrelyn Sparks

Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake 03) by Kerrelyn Sparks

Autora: Kerrelyn Sparks
ISBN: 0061118443 (ISBN13: 9780061118449)
Serie: Love at Stake
          #01 How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire
          #02 Vamps and the City
          #03 Be Still My Vampire Heart
          #04 The Undead Next Door
Idioma: Inglés | GoodReads | Avon
Cuando una bella mortal comienza a cazar vampiros en Central Park, los Vampiros hacen lo lógico en estas circunstancias: llamar a su más poderoso guerrero para que la detenga –el general de la Armada Vampira, Angus MacKay.

Angus MacKay ha estado muerto durante casi quinientos años y ya nada, ni nadie, consigue asombrarlo... hasta que aparece Emma Wallace. Sólo una mirada a esta seductora agente del cuerpo de élite de la CIA Stake-Out basta para pararle el corazón. Pero entonces descubre que ella es una asesina de vampiros, dispuesta a matar a los monstruos que terminaron con la vida de sus padres, y el deber de Angus es detenerla.

El único vampiro bueno es el que está muerto. Ese ha sido el lema de Emma desde que consagró su vida a la destrucción de esos seres. Y ahora le toca a Angus MacKay hacerle cambiar de idea.

Vale, él es un sexy guerrero Highland que parece recién salido de una portada de novela romántica, con acento, kilt, y espada incluidos; pero también es uno de ellos. Y su misión es exterminarlos.

La batalla acaba de comenzar, pero, ¿terminarán destruyéndose... o sucumbiendo a una pasión que dure eternamente?

Me encanta Kerrelyn, los #2.5 libro anteriores son geniales, esperé un buen tiempo para que se me juntaran muchos y poderlos leer de golpe.