Sí, sí se que hoy es viernes, pero ¿qué puedo decir? (estoy de mal humor hoy, las cosas no me estan saliendo como las había planeado, así que no fastidien ¬¬)
Siiiiiiiii, es el Spin-Off de Hex Hall!!! Muero, muero de la emoción, porque es con las Brannick! Y creo que la historia será más o menos como me imaginé (recuerdo que comenté una vez que si Rachel no lo escribia lo haría yo jejeje)
Y no olviden que ya pueden marcarlo en Goodreads
Si no me equivoco también lanzara otra novela llamada Belle Rebel, de eso no estoy muy segura pero Goodreads dice que si u.u No hay portada pero si sinopsis, está en inglés, lamento no poder traducirlo pero estoy publicando esto a la volada, ya saben para subir mis animos :D
About a high school Miss Popularity whose world changes when a funny thing happens on the way to the (Homecoming) coronation: she's recruited into the Paladins, a supernatural sect of bodyguards sworn to protect those who will play an important role in the future, and charged with saving her archnemesis even if it means sacrificing her place as queen bee.
Y no se si la portada recién salió hoy, pero yo recién lo ví u.u
Si no me equivoco es un precuela, al menos eso dice Goodreads :D Tengo que ponerme a leer el primero, le tengo ganas, y las portadas son hermosas, una de las cosas que más me gustan de los libros *o*
Y más portadas!
Dared You To, Pushing The Limits #2 de Katie McGarry (otro que me tengo que leer D:)
Y luego esta de Ella James: Trapped, Here Trilogy #2
Sinceramente no se de que va jajajaja pero está interesante la portada, también en Goodreads
When Milo Mitchell falls for the beautiful, tuxedo-clad guy she found wandering her family's rural Colorado property, she never dreamed he was a scout from another galaxy, or that their relationship would leave him with an impossible choice: eradicating humankind, or initiating the end of his own people.
Nick's job is finding the elements his people need to power their elaborate interweb of minds. Being a scout means he is capable of traveling to other planets on his own. It also means that, unlike The Rest, he has access to primitive feelings and individual desires. For eons, he was part of the whole, but when he encountered Milo, his obsession with her changed everything.
Nick's partner, Vera, is capable of independent thought, but not compelled by it. She is satisfied with her existence as one of The Rest, and she won't agree that humans are worth sparing; not when their planet has a precious cache of the gold her people need so badly.
While Vera tries to force Nick into endorsing an Earth invasion, working behind the scenes to tie his hands, and the Department of Defense lays a trap for them with Milo's mom as bait, Nick and Milo are waging their own war - against a primal desire that can only lead to one thing: heartbreak.
Y ustedes ¿alguna que ya quieran que se publique?